Spine (Thoracic and Lombar Spine)

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Our spine specialist doctor in Bhubaneswar follows a multi-disciplinary, evidence-based approach to treating spine disorders. We offer a full suite of treatment procedures that include physical therapy, medication, interventional pain, and surgery (only if it’s required).

Patients with various spine conditions can get in touch with Brain & Spine Clinic to find the exact spine care from the best spine surgeon in Bhubaneswar.

Consult With the Best Spine Surgeon in Bhubaneswar

At Brain & Spine Clinic Spine Division, the spine surgery specialist in Bhubaneswar offers expert, personalized treatments to patients with a wide range of spine disorders. We offer a full spectrum of state-of-the-art minimally-invasive surgical methods. From routine lumbar & cervical surgeries to more complex spinal cord tethering, our goal is to provide holistic care to patients. This puts us as the leader in spine surgery in Bhubaneswar.

Best Spine Tumor Surgeons Focus on High-Quality Care

Based in Bhubaneswar, Brain & Spine Clinic heads a world-class team of specialists providing 100% results for patients with spinal problems. Our spine specialist doctor in Bhubaneswar is dedicated to achieving outstanding results and fast recovery using cutting-edge methods and high-precision equipment. We are among a handful of spinal surgery centers in India to routinely perform on patients who are fit and ready to discharge within a few hours of surgery.


Brain & Spine Clinic is pleased to offer a complete suite of spine treatments. The spinal cord tumor surgery cost, injections, and other complex surgeries are affordably charged with zero compromises on the treatment procedure. Let us walk you through some of the leading surgeries carried out by our clinic:

Cervical Spine Surgery

Some common types of this spine surgery include:

  • Discectomy: This involves removing part of a damaged or herniated disc in the cervical spine.
  • Fusion: This involves joining two or more vertebrae together using bone grafts or metal hardware.
  • Artificial disc replacement: This involves replacing a damaged disc in the cervical spine with an artificial disc.
  • Laminectomy: This involves removing the back part of one or more vertebrae to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerves.
  • Foraminotomy: This involves widening the space around the nerve roots in the cervical spine to relieve pressure.
Spinal Decompression Surgery

The procedure involves removing part of the vertebral bone or a damaged disc to create more space in the spinal canal, thereby relieving pressure on the nerves. The best spine surgeon in Bhubaneswar is typically recommended for patients who have not responded to conservative treatments such as physical therapy, medications, or injections.

Meningocele Repair Surgery

It is a surgical procedure performed to correct a birth defect known as a meningocele. In the case of a meningocele, the spinal cord and nerves develop normally, but a sac filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) protrudes through the opening of the spine. This sac is covered by a thin layer of skin and may or may not contain a portion of the spinal cord.

This surgery is performed within the first few days or weeks of life. The spine specialist doctor in Bhubaneswar makes an incision in the skin over the sac and carefully separates it from the surrounding tissue. The sac is then opened and the CSF is drained. The sac is then either removed or folded back into the spinal canal, and the opening in the spine is closed with sutures or a patch.

Endospine Surgery

Endospine surgery in Bhubaneswar can be used to treat a variety of spine conditions, including herniated discs, spinal stenosis, spinal fractures, and spinal tumors. The procedure can also be used to perform spinal fusions, which involve joining two or more vertebrae together to provide stability to the spine.

Compared to traditional open spine surgery, endoscopic spine surgery offers several advantages, including:

  • Smaller incisions
  • Less blood loss
  • Shorter hospital stays, and
  • Faster recovery times
Fossa Craniotomy

Brain & Spine Clinic provides posterior fossa surgery in Bhubaneswar to remove tumors or other abnormal growths at the bottom of the skull. It is also recommended to treat certain neurological conditions such as trigeminal neuralgia or hemifacial spasm.

Spinal Cord Tethering

If the patient is experiencing perennial pain, numbness, and weakness in the back and legs – it is recommended to consult with a spinal care clinic immediately. Typically, this can be corrected with spinal cord tethering where the spinal cord is carefully separated from the surrounding tissue using a minimally-invasive surgical procedure. The patient usually recovers within a few days.

Please Note:

We consider surgery as the last resort in case, conservative treatments such as physical therapy, medication, and injections have been tried and failed. Your pediatric spine doctor will be able to provide you with more information about the risks and benefits of any spine surgery and help you decide if it is the right option for you.

Why Choose Brain & Spine Clinic for The Best Spine Specialist in Bhubaneswar?

Brain & Spine Clinic is your one-stop destination for the best spine treatment doctors and personalized treatment plans for any spine-related conditions. We combine years of innovative research studies, advanced expertise, and minimally-invasive approaches to provide 360-degree treatment and care.

Our spine surgery specialists in Bhubaneswar are experts in a wide range of minimally-invasive surgical and non-surgical spine treatment methods. Led by a team of exceptional spine specialists and backed by cutting-edge medical equipment, Brain & Spine Clinic delivers the best and latest spine treatment options available in Bhubaneswar.

The neuro spine doctor in Bhubaneswar treats all types of spine disorders, including:

  • Degenerative spine conditions
  • Lumbar endoscopic discectomy surgery
  • Spinal deformities such as abnormal curvatures in the spine (kyphosis, scoliosis)
  • Posterior fossa decompression
  • Spine fractures and spinal stenosis
  • Spine-related infections
  • Vertebral compression fracture
  • Cervical spine surgery

If you are experiencing any discomfort or pain in your back and neck, consult with Brain & Spine Clinic. Our spine specialist doctor in Bhubaneswar can help you devise the best treatment plan for you to ensure a speedy recovery.


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